Complementary Examples

Scenarios Showing Transaction Creation And Broadcasting Best Practices

NFT complementary examples are splited into two sections:


Runnable implementation of all the examples listed can be found here:


Before we get started we need to make sure that all of the required dependencies are installed.

We recommend the usage of Yarn, but you can choose any other package manager you want!

yarn add @arkecosystem/crypto
yarn add @protokol/nft-base-crypto
yarn add @protokol/nft-exchange-crypto
yarn add @protokol/client

pnpm add @arkecosystem/crypto
pnpm add @protokol/nft-base-crypto
pnpm add @protokol/nft-exchange-crypto
pnpm add @protokol/client

npm install @arkecosystem/crypto
npm install @protokol/nft-base-crypto
npm install @protokol/nft-exchange-crypto
npm install @protokol/client

Last updated