Before we get started we need to make sure that all of the required dependencies are installed.
yarn add @arkecosystem/crypto
yarn add @protokol/nameservice-crypto
yarn add @protokol/client
pnpm add @arkecosystem/crypto
pnpm add @protokol/nameservice-crypto
pnpm add @protokol/client
npm install @arkecosystem/crypto
npm install @protokol/nameservice-crypto
npm install @protokol/client
How To Create And Broadcast Nameservice Transactions
Nameservice - Creating and Broadcasting
import { Identities, Managers, Transactions, Utils } from "@arkecosystem/crypto";
import { ProtokolConnection } from "@protokol/client";
import { Builders, Transactions as NameserviceTransactions } from "@protokol/nameservice-crypto";
export const Nameservice = async (): Promise<void> => {
// Configure our API client
const client = new ProtokolConnection("http://localhost:4003/api");
const passphrase = "clay harbor enemy utility margin pretty hub comic piece aerobic umbrella acquire";
// Configure manager and register transaction type
const configs = await client.api("node").crypto();
const {
body: {
data: {
block: { height },
} = await client.get("blockchain");
Managers.configManager.setConfig({ } as any);
// Step 1: Retrieve the nonce of the sender wallet
const senderWallet = await client.api("wallets").get(Identities.Address.fromPassphrase(passphrase));
const senderNonce = Utils.BigNumber.make(;
// Step 2: Create the transaction
const transaction = new Builders.NameserviceBuilder()
name: "zan",
// Step 3: Broadcast the transaction
const broadcastResponse = await client.api("transactions").create({ transactions: [] });
// Step 4: Log the response
console.log(JSON.stringify(broadcastResponse.body, null, 4));
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {